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My Access Support Services Accommodation 


Support for independent living accommodation is a funding category under the NDIS in Australia. It is designed to assist individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible in their chosen accommodation.

The NDIS provides financial support for people with disabilities to access suitable housing options that align with their specific needs and preferences. This can include various forms of accommodation, such as renting an accessible apartment, living in a shared supported living arrangement, or receiving support to live in their own home.




The funding provided through the NDIS can cover different aspects of independent living, including:

1. Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA): SDA funding supports individuals with significant functional impairments who require specialist housing solutions. This may include modifications, assistive technologies, or specially designed dwellings to meet their accessibility requirements.

2. Supported Independent Living (SIL): SIL funding supports individuals who require assistance with daily tasks and activities within their home. It can cover the costs of support workers or carers who help participants with tasks like cooking, cleaning, personal care, and managing household responsibilities.

3. Home Modifications: This funding category provides support for necessary modifications to an individual's home to make it more accessible and safe. Examples include installing ramps, grab bars, widened doorways, or accessible bathroom facilities.

4. Assistive Technology: NDIS funding can also be used to purchase assistive technology devices, equipment, or aids that help individuals with disabilities to improve their independence and access to their living environment. This may include items like mobility aids, communication devices, or smart home technologies.

It is important to note that eligibility for funding under these categories is determined through the NDIS planning process. The NDIS considers individual goals, needs, and assessed levels of support required to determine the appropriate funding allocation for independent living accommodation.


Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to those living with disabilities. Through our strong network of  staff we are here to help propel individuals meet their personal goals every step of the way. 

Level 4/301 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine Vic 3020 

1300 459 555

"We believe that every person, regardless of their abilities, has a unique contribution to make to the community, and our aim is to help them realize their full potential"

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